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Image by NEOM

Collaboration Partners

I would like to express my gratitude to all of my collaboration partners for the warm, approachable, and successful cooperation. If you are interested in collaborating with me through Instagram, my podcast, or my travel blog, I am always delighted to hear from you and to discuss everything further on a personal and individual basis.




In her podcast 'Herzensmomente', Linda uploads a new episode every Saturday covering topics such as self-love, female leadership, personal development, and spirituality. She already inspires over 10,000 listeners.


In addition to social media, Linda also runs her newsletter. Here, she regularly informs her readers about news, shares valuable insights, as well as thoughts on the latest collaborations



We will embark on a world trip starting from July 2024, lasting approximately 3-4 years. During this time, I will share all experiences and adventures on my travel blog and Instagram. I would be delighted to introduce your products related to backpacking, travel, outdoor, and camping, and wholeheartedly recommend them to my community after personally testing them during our world journey. We can discuss the specifics of how the presentation will look personally and individually.


Personal development and spirituality

For me, my own further education and personal and spiritual development are incredibly important. 
Because I am convinced that every change on the outside begins with a change within us. I have been intensively involved in personal development and spirituality since 2017, and my whole life has changed since then. I am now a mentor and speaker myself and know from my own experience what a difference books, courses and coaching can make. I am happy to recommend your offerings in this area to my community. 


Pleasure - Selflove, Sacred Sexuality, Sensuality and Food 

I love everything that enhances the quality of life and brings joy into one's life. I am more than happy to share my experiences and joy on lifestyle topics and sacred sexuality. We only have this one life, and we should make the most of it and enjoy it. If your products and offerings help in that regard, I would gladly share them with my community.

Haben Sie schon bemerkt, wie viel Zeit und Energie Sie in den Aufbau einer starken Social-Media-Präsenz investiert haben? Es ist beeindruckend zu sehen, wie Unternehmen Stunden damit verbringen, hochwertige Inhalte zu erstellen und mit ihrer Community zu interagieren. Doch es geht so viel leichter. 
Stellen Sie sich vor, wie es wäre, mit einem Partner zusammenzuarbeiten, der nicht nur professionelle Inhalte für Social Media produziert, sondern auch eine tiefe Verbundenheit mit seiner Community pflegt und dort ihre Produkte und 
Dienstleistungen vorstellt. 
Eine Zusammenarbeit, die nicht nur Ihren Umsatz steigert, sondern auch Ihre Kunden begeistert und mitreißt.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit mir, als ihre Kooperationspartnerin, ist eine Gelegenheit, nicht nur Ihre Botschaft zu verbreiten, sondern auch eine authentische Beziehung zu Ihrer Zielgruppe aufzubauen. Und mehr Reichweite und Verkäufe zu erzielen. 

Lassen sie uns gemeinsam Ihren Angebote noch mehr Sichtbarkeit und Resonanz schenken.

Numbers & Facts

My Collaboration Partners

Laura Malina Seiler 


Vom Achterhof 

und viele weitere...


You would like to plan a collaboration with Linda? She looks forward to hearing from you!"

Danke für Ihre Nachricht!

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